Are those mini marshmallows?
I see a lot of balls in her future...
If the picture below wasn't also included I'd say this was the cutest picture ever of Mama and Audrie.
Baba and Audrie are the CUTEST EVER.
Audrie slept great again last night. We got a crib delivered to the room, but NO we have not used it. She sleeps great right between us on the bed.
This morning at breakfast, she tried lots of new foods, and even began feeding herself. Jerry helped initiate it and she really did pretty well. The caretaker said she could not feed herself, but given the opportunity she is.
Next, we walked around and looked at the fish, the birds, and she grabbed daddy's hand and led us on a walk. She loves when she has each of our hands and we do a swing with her. Got some more giggles from that.
Then, we went to the White Swan room, and played with Journey for awhile. He is a sweetie. Then, we went on another walk, ate lunch (crazy story....)
She led us into a restaurant, and so we just went. There was a menu, so I just kept asking questions, and they brought another menu. I picked a chicken casserole thing, -- ugh it was like the knuckles of a chicken... very grissely. The veggies were good in it. Jerry ordered a fish piece.... and that is what it was - a small cut of fish. Very expensive.
Oh well. You can't win it all. But, then a lady came up and picked up Audrie. She just kept looking around like what is going on. I said she is very shy and took her away. It is amazing how fast Mommy claws develop. :-)
Well, the kids are down for a nap again, so I thought I would send an update. Enjoy the pictures.