Monday, October 18, 2010

Interesting consulate facts

Approximately 3000 immigrant visas are processed each year for adopted Chinese children to the US. In the past, special needs adoptions have accounted for less than half. This year, it topped 67% of adoptions are special needs adoptions. The majority of people in the room when we took our group oath--were special needs adoptions. There was one single parent who was in under pre-hague rules. After hague, China does not allow single parent adoptions anymore.
As you can tell by the picture attached, our little one is not getting enough love! LOL!
In the second picture, our little girl is drinking some decaf tea made for us by a shop keeper, named Dong.


  1. Can't wait to you see you all!! LOVE the pictures; Audrie's face is probably getting irritated by all the kisses. :)

  2. Cali is ready for Audrie to come home - we have to look at pics EVERY DAY! So glad that you are ready to come home..........hoping that you are able to avoid any delays due to the hurricane headed toward China. We'll be praying for expedition on your trip home. And for a sleeping baby on the plane!
    LOVE the red couch photos!

  3. love the family pic!!!!! You can see the love in everyone's faces!!!! safe travels home!!! can't wait to meet lil Audrie!!
